Pila, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2020
Geode, Austin, Texas, 2009—2014
Transparency Now, New York, New York, 2010
Minions, 2016-2020
Water Tower, Austin, Texas, 2010
Jubilee, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, 2008
Stairway, Dallas, Texas, 2008
Saved, 2007, University of Texas at Dallas Permanent Collection
Stack, Austin, Texas, 2006
Diaspora, Austin, Texas, 2005
Life Preserver, Austin, Texas, 2004
Reminder, Austin, Dallas, Galveston, Texas, 2002-2005
Fordweiser, 2004
Pettia, Moveable Type System and Typeface, 2003
World Cup Communications, Pont-Aven, France, 2002